
Ignite your core and elevate your wellness journey from the comfort of your home.

Get ready to crush it, have a blast, and feel absolutely lit at Cloud9-Pilates!

Your body will be thanking you for the incredible workout experience. Get ready to sweat, have fun, and unleash your inner fire!

Pilates... ANYWHERE

Get ready to crush your Pilates goals with Cloud9-Pilates! Our platform makes it a breeze to get moving ANYWHERE - whether you're at home, on the go, in the office, or jet-setting around the world.

Our video library, programs, challenges, and weekly schedule have got you covered, no matter how you're feeling or your experience level.

It's time to move mindfully, have a blast, and unlock your inner Pilates rockstar! We know you're going to absolutely adore our energizing videos and the incredible Cloud9-Pilates community. Start getting amazing results today and press PLAY! Let's do this, fab squad!


Shape a Stronger, more resilient you.


Let go of tension, embrace movement.


Move your body and gain technique.

7-Day Free Trial

Pilates... Our Virtual Experience

Get ready to crush your Pilates goals with Cloud9-Pilates, the ultimate fitness squad for all levels! We believe in the power of diversity and inclusivity, offering a wide range of guided workouts that will leave you feeling awesome, no matter where you're starting from.

And let's not forget about Doris, your amazing Pilates instructor who brings the fun and effectiveness to each session. 

Hey Ya'll!

I had this radical realization that movement is about way more than just fueling your body. It's a total game-changer for your mental well-being too, and I'm here as a proud advocate for moving for your mental. With my foundation in stretch therapy, I set out to create an environment that's all about building strength, expanding knowledge, and cultivating a positive mindset.

As someone who used to compete in cheerleading for years, I know first-hand how the hype and energy of that lifestyle can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. However, one injury was all it took for me to realize that my lifestyle was not sustainable. I found myself longing for a way to keep moving and feeling fantastic in my body because the physical activity and endorphin rush were simply too good to give up.

Then, I discovered Pilates. This form of exercise transformed my entire relationship with my body and movement, enabling me to focus on self-care rather than punishment and restriction. Within the structure of Pilates, I discovered a newfound freedom and joy of movement that changed my life forever. I believe that every individual deserves to experience this level of mind-body connection and empowerment, and that's why I'm passionate about sharing the benefits of Pilates with others.

My absolute biggest thrill is pumpin' you up, gettin' you movin' fearlessly, and helpin' you realize just how incredible, talented, and strong you truly are. Seriously, it's such an honor to be on this journey with you, and I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else!

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Embrace the power of mindful movement with us.

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